Financial Support

Here is your opportunity to support our work and to help others!

“Thank you, thank you, thank you, for the new books for our first grade reading programs! The first grade teachers and students can’t wait for me to process the books and get them in their book tubs. Your organization has helped us replace many books that have been “loved” to pieces. Newer books are more appealing, as we know that our children are more excited to choose a book that is in better condition. Once again, we appreciate your organization’s work towards providing quality books for children.”

Mrs. Sherry Geier, Title I Teacher

Your gift helps children in underserved communities start a path to a brighter future. Your gift of $25.00 can give a child his or her first book. Your gift of $120.00 can help provide for a pre-school class of 30 children to start their own classroom library. Your gift of $700.00 will provide reading and education materials for summer reading and tutorial programming. Your gift is needed and appreciated.

There are many ways by which you can support the Roads to Reading Initiative:

  • One-time Gift
  • Recurring Donation
  • Tribute Gift
  • Planned Giving
  • Sponsorship
  • In-Kind Giving
  • Stock Transfer

To make a donation by mail simply make your check or money order payable to Pathways Within Inc. Our mailing address is PO Box 960154, Boston, MA 02215

With your support, the Roads to Reading Initiative can continue to provide services and advocacy for more than 10,000 organizations across the country, that serve over 1 million children who are in dire need of quality children’s literature and quality children’s literacy programming.

Your contribution is tax deductible to the extent that the law provides. PayPal Accepts Mastercard, Visa, American Express and Discover Card. You may also make a contribution by check.

$10.00 Gift

$25.00 Gift

$50.00 Gift

$100.00 Gift
